Artist Spotlight w/ Colin Coviello
Mar 28, 2023
First, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I currently live in the mountains of Asheville, NC. Most of the time you will find me in my sketchbooks creating new characters or on my computer messing around in ZBrush, Cinema 4D or Octane.
I am naturally very curious and I always love obtaining new knowledge which is why I believe I am so drawn to 3D programs. The more I learn about them the better I can communicate my ideas. With my work I strive to create characters, environments and scenarios that, hopefully, will make people’s day a little brighter.
I like when characters exist narrowly between reality and the imaginary. Their personalities are relatable but their forms are more fun than our own
Can you tell us about your experience and the role you are primarily filling?
I graduated from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2020 with a BFA in Illustration.
Despite majoring in illustration I found much of my college time split between the illustration and motion design labs. I began playing around with 3D programs my sophomore year and have been enamored with them and the versatility of the motion graphics community ever since. I have been honing my sculpting and modeling skills since graduation as a toy sculptor working primarily with Hasbro.
I also always make sure to find the time to experiment with my personal work and build my portfolio. Currently I see myself filling any role involving character designing, 3D modeling or illustrating.
If you could speak directly to the resourcing gods and powers that be, what would be your ideal project?
Anything to do with bringing my creations to “life” entices me. Currently, The Kakao Friends interest me a lot. Constructing a balanced cast of characters with idiosyncrasies, complexes and relationships that interconnect with one another sounds like a lot of fun.
I like when characters exist narrowly between reality and the imaginary. Their personalities are relatable but their forms are more fun than our own
I would also love to bring more of my work into the physical world. I occasionally go through phases where I create 3D printed toys, mascot heads and plushies. As with many artists, being able to see the connection people have when they’re able to hold or wear one of my creations is very special to me. So if time and resources were unlimited I would want to make giant plushies and props of my characters and assets that people could interact with.
Do you have any dream clients?
As a kid I played this game named Little Big Planet that had a major influence on me and my work. The game was centered around creating your own worlds, customizing your own character and collaborating with other creators. I would really love to someday be a part of something with that same inspirational force. Something for people to experience that shows how special that feeling of “creating” is.
Lastly, do you have any memorable stories, life lessons, or tall tales you can share from your adventures as a freelancer?
I have only freelanced for little over a year now and I can say that I appreciate the freedom of managing my own schedule. I love the periods where I am working non stop and I love the mini vacations that follow where I am able to experiment and build my portfolio. Being able to manage my work schedule has allowed me the time to learn things I have always been interested in and push my work in very fun directions.
Also being able to go to the grocery at 10am on a Tuesday is an incredible freelance advantage.
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