Artist Spotlight w/ Bruno Persico
Oct 24, 2023
First, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Hello! My name is Bruno, and I am an animator and designer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I received my degree in Graphic Design from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Throughout my studies at UBA, I developed a strong passion for photography and filmmaking. Eventually, I discovered that the motion graphics and animation industries allowed me to merge my interests in a meaningful way.
As a 2D and 3D animator, I am constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow my skills. I have a strong passion for creating smooth keyframes and beautiful artwork, and am always open to exploring new techniques and adapting my work to different styles. I thrive on the creative process and am eager to take on new projects that push me to think outside the box.
I love projects that challenge me creatively or technically, and I appreciate it even more if the work has the potential to make a positive impact on the world. Recently, I have been focusing on projects where I can take on a creative leadership role.
Can you tell us about your experience and the role you are primarily filling?
Most of my career in the field was as a freelancer. I started like a lot of us, watching Andrew Kramer’s AE tutorials. This says a lot about my age!
I am primarily self-taught through a combination of online resources and practical, hands-on learning experiences.
As a result, I have developed a diverse skill set that allows me to take on a variety of roles depending on the project at hand. Sometimes, I work on every stage of a project, from storyboard to final delivery. In other cases, I may lead a team of animators or contribute with character design or illustration work. I enjoy taking on different tasks and responsibilities.
If you could speak directly to the resourcing gods and powers that be, what would be your ideal project?
I love projects that challenge me creatively or technically, and I appreciate it even more if the work has the potential to make a positive impact on the world. Recently, I have been focusing on projects where I can take on a creative leadership role.
Side note for the resourcing gods and powers: I would encourage you to consider Latin American artists. Not only will you discover a wealth of amazing and versatile talent from this region, but you will also have the opportunity to support and amplify the voices of minority communities through your choices.
Do you have any dream clients?
My ideal client would be someone who values mutual growth and challenges me to take on more ambitious projects than I have previously done. Together, we could strive for greater results and push the boundaries of what we can achieve.
Also last year I made an animated short film. I am excited to continue exploring the narrative and film medium. I think it would be great to work with clients of that kind of world.
Lastly, do you have any memorable stories, life lessons, or tall tales you can share from your adventures as a freelancer?
Freelancing and remote working can be a lonely experience at times, which is why it's so important to build a community of mutuals on your artistic journey. For me, sharing a workspace with other designers, animators, and professionals from various disciplines helps me to keep inspired and in contact with different perspectives. Additionally, attending events within the animation community in Buenos Aires allows me to stay connected and motivated.
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